November 26, 2010


Happy Thanksgiving week! Hopefully you were blessed with mountains of homemade food you could never eat even in a week, and added to your waistline in preparation for the drollness of winter. May you have a new roll of fat at your belly so you can hibernate throughout the whole winter in your cave.

NOT! Go workout, go run, go lift weights, eat barely anything, fast, do something to keep that weight off! Drink gallons of water or spend so much time at the gym it makes you nauseous....just do something.

Oddly good, Pea Pesto with diced tomato on toasted bagettes

And our sweet potato yummy.

Full of energy before dinner....not so much afterward. :)

One random thought: Many girls suddenly start starving themself, going on a diet or eating super heatlthy right before they get married so they can fit in their dress or be really skinny for their husband. Nothing wrong with that. But, I want be physically fit and healthy before (and if) I ever get married. I want to be just healthy for healthy's sake and fit into a dress that's my size, not a size I had to starve myself to get into. It's a good thing to want to please your husband, but I'd also like to not have to change too much cause you know you're probably gonna gain it back anyways in the first couple happens. Anyways, I just want to be in shape because I love being healthy & fit. Simple as that. Always be ready.

All went well in the Laycock house Thursday morning in preparation for our feast of Thanksgiving. Turkey was dry-brined, roasted and ready with dressing. Potatoes mashed, the orange sweet taters topped with pecans & brown sugar, fruit salad creamed, and garlic rolls risen & baked. We were almost ready to eat. Something was wrong though. A key side was nowhere to be found, and my heart started racing. Where was what I douse everything in? I figured Mom had only forgotten to heat it up, but she had completely forgotten to make gravy from the drippings! No gravy for dressing, mashed taters, or turkey! The horror. Maybe I love my gravy a tad bit too much.

The Passionate Homemaking website/blog has a few recipes for shampoo and conditioner. Tried using just baking soda & water together as a paste for a no-poo recipe, and used a mixture of apple cider vinegar, water, and couple drops lavendar essential oil (to mask ACV smell) as conditioner. It worked! Hair is super soft and conditioned well.

According to Lindsay off PH's website, apple cider vinegar works effectively as a conditioning agent that helps the skin/scalp Ph balance. The baking soda paste does not feel soapy like shampoo, but actually feels like it is cleaning your scalp more thorougly. And baking soda is super cheap! Will have to try the shampoo recipe made with eggs & more stuff to make it feel more like real shampoo.

Most people would write a big long list of things they are grateful for and go on and on and on about it. Go for them, I like to be different. Here's the short and sweet of it: Jesus Christ my Lord, family, friends, church and all that my Savior provides. It would take thousands of years for me to even express a fraction of what my Lord does for me and his indescribably beauty. Instead of telling you all my blessings which number in the thousands, I'd say to you to look to the greatest Blessing: Jesus Christ.

I want to encourage you to get down on your knees, and thank God for everything in your life: good, bad, hardships, blessings, etc. Then think about how much you sin in your life...unless you see how much & bad your sin is, and understand your depravity; you won't see your need of a beautiful perfect Savior in every second of your day. Talk to Him, spend time getting to know Him as you read His-Story (Scripture). Pray boldly, but always ending with "Thy will be done." Pray for those who disapoint you, and that the Lord would keep fellow Christians in his word daily. Spend 3-7 minutes learning to memorize a Bible verse or part of hymn; write it down on paper, look at it every once in a while and repeat it to yourself. You'll amaze yourself how fast you can learn verses and how much you love it having those in times of need. Just give God quality time and not the leftovers of your day. Not being preachy cause I need to do these things more too but I want to encourage others to Christ-likeness.


"You make known to me the path of life: in your presence there is fullnes of joy, at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

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